| VC075S | Weelkes | Madrigals of Five Parts - score | £20.40 |
| VC075W | Weelkes | Madrigals of Five Parts - score & 5 parts | £36.00 |
| VC075 | Weelkes | Madrigals of five parts 'Apt for the Viols and Voices' - Score & 7 parts (vocal & viol clefs) | £42.00 |
| VC076S | Weelkes | Madrigals of six parts 'Apt for the Viols and Voices' - Score | £24.00 |
| VC076 | Weelkes | Madrigals of six parts 'Apt for the Viols and Voices' - Score & 9 parts (vocal & viol clefs) | £62.40 |
| EW311 | Viadana | O Bone Jesu | £12.00 |