

ImageProduct codeComposerPublicationPrice
"Iss dein Bod mit Freuden" from Symphonie Sacrae Vol. II
Stz1"Iss dein Bod mit Freuden" from Symphonie Sacrae Vol. II£9.96
"Raise, raise the Voice", An Ode
Pur15"Raise, raise the Voice", An Ode£11.40
"See where she sits", A Symphony Song
Pur14"See where she sits", A Symphony Song£9.96
"Von Aufgung der Sonnen" from Symphonie Sacrae Vol. II
Stz2"Von Aufgung der Sonnen" from Symphonie Sacrae Vol. II£10.80
6 Airs Variés – Marche des Marseillois
AFT0476 Airs Variés – Marche des Marseillois£26.16
A Cantata and Two Canzonettas from 'Cantate e canzonette' (1676)
Leg2A Cantata and Two Canzonettas from 'Cantate e canzonette' (1676)£9.36
A Dialogue on the Death of Mr Henry Purcell
Hal1A Dialogue on the Death of Mr Henry Purcell£12.48
A Pastoral Elegy on the Blessed memory of her late Gracious Queen
Kng1A Pastoral Elegy on the Blessed memory of her late Gracious Queen£13.68
A Thanksgiving Anthem - Rejoyce in the Lord. Psalm 33
Cro6A Thanksgiving Anthem - Rejoyce in the Lord. Psalm 33£15.60
Acteon: Cantate Burlesque for bass, oboe (or violin), viol & bc
Abe1Acteon: Cantate Burlesque for bass, oboe (or violin), viol & bc£9.96
Ancor che col partire - Score & parts with keyboard reduction
CEFD07Ancor che col partire - Score & parts with keyboard reduction£5.70
Aquilon et Orithie, Cantata
Ram1Aquilon et Orithie, Cantata£10.80
Aria: Hier in meines Vaters Statte
Bac1Aria: Hier in meines Vaters Statte£8.52
Battaglia per espugnare Amore - Trio Concerto
Maz3Battaglia per espugnare Amore - Trio Concerto£9.96
Circe: Music for Act I, Scene IV: chorus score
Pur18-2Circe: Music for Act I, Scene IV: chorus score£3.60
Circe: Music for Act I, Scene IV: full score & set of parts
Pur18-1Circe: Music for Act I, Scene IV: full score & set of parts£13.56
Cuopre tal volto il cielo, Italian Cantata
Han1Cuopre tal volto il cielo, Italian Cantata£12.12
Da mihi Domine - Motet
Tun1Da mihi Domine - Motet£11.40
Diane et Endimion French cantata
Ber1Diane et Endimion French cantata£11.40
Duets for Basses by Jeffreys & Purcell
Jef7Duets for Basses by Jeffreys & Purcell£10.80
Eight Lute Songs or Duets
Dow1Eight Lute Songs or Duets£12.48
Eight Songs for Samuel Pepys: Light, Grave and Sacred
Mor1Eight Songs for Samuel Pepys: Light, Grave and Sacred£18.48
Four Cantatas for bass & bc
Ces1Four Cantatas for bass & bc£12.48
Four Dialogues from Orpheus Britannicus - I
Pur1Four Dialogues from Orpheus Britannicus - I£9.36
Four Dialogues from Orpheus Britannicus - II
Pur2Four Dialogues from Orpheus Britannicus - II£10.80
Four Duets Book I - Che vai pensando (HWV 184) & Tacete, ohimè, tacete (HWV 196)
Han7Four Duets Book I - Che vai pensando (HWV 184) & Tacete, ohimè, tacete (HWV 196)£12.48
Four Duets Book II - Quando in calma ride (HWV 191) & Giù nei Tartarei (HWV 187)
Han8Four Duets Book II - Quando in calma ride (HWV 191) & Giù nei Tartarei (HWV 187)£10.80
Four Duets from Orpheus Britannicus
Pur5Four Duets from Orpheus Britannicus£9.36
Heraclite et Democrite - French Cantata
Stu1Heraclite et Democrite - French Cantata£18.48
In all our Cinthia's shining sphear - a dialogue
Pur3In all our Cinthia's shining sphear - a dialogue£8.52
In Guilty Night' from Saul and the Witch of Endor for soprano, alto/ten, bass solos & bc
Pur9In Guilty Night' from Saul and the Witch of Endor for soprano, alto/ten, bass solos & bc£9.96
In te Domine speravi (Psalm 31)
Rig1In te Domine speravi (Psalm 31)£11.40
L'Apologie des Femmes
VBl1L'Apologie des Femmes£9.96
L'enlevement d'Orithie
Mon5L'enlevement d'Orithie£12.84
La Feste de Cloris - French cantata
Bou1La Feste de Cloris - French cantata£11.40
La Mort d'Hercule - Cantata
Cle1La Mort d'Hercule - Cantata£11.40
Lagrime dolorose
Ste5Lagrime dolorose£11.40
Les Amans Trahis, Cantata
Ram3Les Amans Trahis, Cantata£15.12
Les Femmes - French Cantata
Cam1Les Femmes - French Cantata£10.80
Litanies de la Vierge
Cha1Litanies de la Vierge£12.48
Motet pour la Sainte Vierge
Ber2Motet pour la Sainte Vierge£8.52
Nell'Africane selve & Dalla guerra amorosa - Italian Cantatas for bass & bc
Han3Nell'Africane selve & Dalla guerra amorosa - Italian Cantatas for bass & bc£9.96
Nero (Il Nerone) - A dramatic cantata for bass & bc
Ces2Nero (Il Nerone) - A dramatic cantata for bass & bc£10.80
Nero (Il Nerone) - Dramatic Cantata for bass
Sta2Nero (Il Nerone) - Dramatic Cantata for bass£10.80
O Ruddier than the Cherry! from Acis & Galatea
Han6O Ruddier than the Cherry! from Acis & Galatea£8.52
Salve Regina (Vejvanovsky)
Vej1Salve Regina (Vejvanovsky)£11.40
Silene - French Cantata
Cam2Silene - French Cantata£15.12
Sing, sing ye Muses (Epilogue to Amphion Angelicus, 1700) for SATB, 2 violins & bc
Blo5Sing, sing ye Muses (Epilogue to Amphion Angelicus, 1700) for SATB, 2 violins & bc£10.80
Sleep, poor youth from Don Quixote for soprano, bass, 3 recorders & bc
Ecc1Sleep, poor youth from Don Quixote for soprano, bass, 3 recorders & bc£9.96
Song with Violins: How charming is beauty, Lost is my Love for bass, 2 violins & bc
Cro2Song with Violins: How charming is beauty, Lost is my Love for bass, 2 violins & bc£11.40
Songs for bass solo from Orpheus Britannicus
Pur12Songs for bass solo from Orpheus Britannicus£9.96
Spande ancor a mio dispetto, Italian Cantata
Han2Spande ancor a mio dispetto, Italian Cantata£9.96
Spezza, amor, l'arco
Ste1Spezza, amor, l'arco£13.68
The Death of Dido, A Masque - Score
Pep3AThe Death of Dido, A Masque - Score£20.16
The Four Seasons in the Fairy Queen
Pur11The Four Seasons in the Fairy Queen£11.40
The Judgment of Paris - A Masque, Chorus Score
Wel1-2The Judgment of Paris - A Masque, Chorus Score£2.88
Thetis, Cantata
Ram2Thetis, Cantata£9.96
Three Arias for Bass Voice and Trumpet (Bach)
CVR3565Three Arias for Bass Voice and Trumpet (Bach)£7.92
Three Arias for Bass Voice and Trumpet (Handel)
CVR3206Three Arias for Bass Voice and Trumpet (Handel)£9.36
Three Cantatas for solo Bass from 'Cantate e canzonette' (1676)
Leg1Three Cantatas for solo Bass from 'Cantate e canzonette' (1676)£10.80
Three Devotional Songs
Jef6Three Devotional Songs£8.52
Three dialogues for soprano & bass
Jef8Three dialogues for soprano & bass£10.80
Three Motets for alto, bass and continuo
Jef3Three Motets for alto, bass and continuo£9.96
Three Songs for solo Bass
Maz1Three Songs for solo Bass£9.36
Three Songs with Hautboys from Orpheus Britannicus for soprano, bass, 2 recorders & bc
Pur7Three Songs with Hautboys from Orpheus Britannicus for soprano, bass, 2 recorders & bc£12.48
Tircis et Climene, Cantata
Mon1Tircis et Climene, Cantata£12.24
Tra speranza, Cantata
Sca6Tra speranza, Cantata£9.36
Tra Sperenaza a Timore - Cantata
ENS4Tra Sperenaza a Timore - Cantata£19.20
Tristes apprêts: Télaïre's lament from Castor et Pollux
Ram4Tristes apprêts: Télaïre's lament from Castor et Pollux£7.92
Twenty-one Lute Songs or Duets - Vol. I, Nos. 1-7
Jon1ATwenty-one Lute Songs or Duets - Vol. I, Nos. 1-7£13.68
Twenty-one Lute Songs or Duets - Vol. II, Nos. 8-14
Jon2ATwenty-one Lute Songs or Duets - Vol. II, Nos. 8-14£14.40
Twenty-one Lute Songs or Duets - Vol. III, Nos. 15-21
Jon3ATwenty-one Lute Songs or Duets - Vol. III, Nos. 15-21£12.48
Twenty-one Songs
Lev1Twenty-one Songs£22.32
Two Cantatas from the Munich MS
Leg3Two Cantatas from the Munich MS£9.96
Two Duets with Violin: 1. Septimus & Acme, 2. Go Perjurd Man from Amphion Angelicus
Blo1Two Duets with Violin: 1. Septimus & Acme, 2. Go Perjurd Man from Amphion Angelicus£10.80
Two Motets
Cam3Two Motets£15.12
Two Songs with flutes from Orpheus Britannicus for soprano, bass, 2 recorders & bc
Pur6Two Songs with flutes from Orpheus Britannicus for soprano, bass, 2 recorders & bc£13.68
When Night her purple vail, A Cantata
Pur13When Night her purple vail, A Cantata£12.12
With Noice of Cannon
Cro1With Noice of Cannon£11.40